The Basel Convention considers scrap vessels, which have completed their economic and technological life, as wastes as a whole. Therefore, the ultimate responsibility in disposal of such wastes belongs to the ship recycling company, which owns the waste. Işıksan is a reliable and expert solution partner for ship owners regarding the safe treatment of wastes.
As a result of the competence of Işıksan Ship Recycling facilities in terms of waste and MOTAT Online Waste Monitoring System, where ship owners, waste treatment facilities, SRAT Waste Management Center and governmental bodies are in regular and effective communication, all hazardous and non-hazardous materials generated from dismantling activities are managed with a risk-based professional approach.
Waste Management Process
Waste Stream management begins with a comprehensive review of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) report before the scrap ship arrives. Işıksan cooperates with SRAT WMC Haz-Mat Experts while managing its waste. For pre-determined wastes, it creates waste routes by preparing dismantling and capacity plans with its experienced Environmental and Marine Engineers.
Its top priority is to manage waste at its source. The basis of Işıksan's waste management is classified by material types. The process begins with the arrival of the ship at Işıksan facilities. In waste management, SRAT WMC Hazardous Material Experts and Işıksan project engineers carry out onboard verification, physical inspection and labelling. The volumes determined are separated by the experts at their source in a planned way, are dismantled and transported to the Licensed Waste Treatment Facilities. The metals that we recycled as a result of ship recycling tasks are sent only to the rolling mills where chimney emission control is performed regularly.
All recyclable wastes are recycled for the benefit of the country's economy. The disposal of all non-recyclable wastes are duly carried out as defined by international methods. The official licenses of all waste treatment facilities which take part on Işıksan's waste stream are carefully monitored by Işıksan. All operational areas are covered with impermeable floor. Işıksan uses most of its infrastructure investments for the implementation of waste management operations.
All hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are delivered to the final recycling or disposal point in a safe and controlled manner with Işıksan's careful and elaborate work.