The 92-metre-long giant platform, which drifted off the coast of Scotland in a North Atlantic Ocean Storm and hit rocks and became unusable, made its final journey in a method first implemented in Turkey.
"Işıksan" To Undertake Ship Recycling Activities
The giant platform, which weighed 17580 groston, was first repaired by professional teams and restored to buoyable condition. Meanwhile, the company named "Transocean", which signed an agreement with the Turkish ship recycling company "Işıksan", operating in the Aliaga district of Izmir, decided to scrap the giant platform.
However, considering the possibility of a possible accident, the authorities did not consent to the giant platform being floated to Turkey. The giant platform, which was later decided to be brought to Turkey by means of transport, was loaded onto a semi-submerged heavy cargo carrier named "HAWK", which is 223 meters tall, 56 meters wide and has a load carrying capacity of 53 thousand tons.
Transocean Winner Arrives With Semi-Submerged Heavy Cargo Carrier Ship
The ship named "HAWK", which loaded the giant platform onto its deck, reached the ship recycling site in the Aliaga district of Izmir after a long journey. After the necessary legal action and checks were completed, she was tipped to the ship recycling facility, accompanied by giant platform trailers, which were re-launched in a 16-hour operation over the carrier ship, which was submerged at half the waist due to her property.
While appropriate meteorological weather conditions were taken into account during the operation, extensive security measures were also taken in Aliaga Bay. About 15 thousand tons of scrap steel will be obtained from the giant platform planned to be dismantled in about 3 months.
For the first time in history that a ship was brought to Turkey by clarifying the method of transport of scrap Ship Recycling Industries Association (GEMISANDER) responsible for Ersin Ceviker waste management, the giant floating platform or interfere with navigation, it's zero risk for the environment by considering the sensitivity and the goal of that was brought on a ship carrier said.
All Risk Analysis Was Done For Transocean Winner's Transfer And Recycling
Çeviker stated that the giant platform was brought to Aliağa under the Basel Convention, which Turkey is a party to, and stated that an evaluation meeting was held in Aliağa with Transocean company officials prior to the operation, and that all risk analyses were made until the platform was lowered to Turkey via the carrier ship and the facilities were tit-for-tat.
Çeviker stated that technical, stability and balance reports received from the authorized institutions, especially the reports that there is no problem in the accident and buoyancy of the platform, were submitted to the Aliağa Port Authority by Transocean company along with insurance policies, and stressed that the process was carried out with great care.
Recalling that the ship recycling zone was established in 1976 for the first time in Turkey, Ship Recycling Industrialists ' Association (GEMISANDER) Chairman Adam Simsek said, “This ship, which came to our country with a notification applied to the Basel Convention before the international platform, has made us proud. Because for the first time in our 40-year history a scrap ship has come to our facilities with a special technique. This platform, which was brought to our facilities for recycling, is the only platform that has ever been included in the platforms. As it is known, under normal circumstances, the scrapped ships were being towed and brought along by tugboats. The platform named "Transocean Winner" was brought to our facilities today with a ship system called "Heavy Lift Dock". We live the happiness of this with our community. Good luck to Turkey, our association, our company. After that, we hope that many platforms will come to Aliağa in this way.”
Source: "Transocean Winner" söküm için Aliağa'da!